Volker Heyn, Toshio Hosokawa, Nicolaus A. Huber, Johannes Kalitzke, Franz Martin Olbrisch, Stefan Wolpe, Hans Zender
Live Dokumentationen 1991, 1992, 1993, 1997
works played by Ensemble Musikfabrik: :
Johannes Kalitzke – Salto.Trapez.Ikarus (1990) world premiere
Concerto for 13 Instruments
Volker Heyn – Panische Walzer 8 & 9 (1990) world premiere
for double bass clarinet, baritone saxophone, bass tuba,
accordion, violin and double bass
Franz Martin Olbrisch – Der gebrochene Spiegel
Polyszenisches Musiktheater (1986-90) world premiere
10th picture, instrumental scene for ensemble
Stefan Wolpe – Piece in Three Parts for Piano
and Sixteen Instruments (1960-61) European premiere
Nicolaus A. Huber – Eröffnung und Zertrümmerung (1992) world premiere
for ensemble, tapes and video or
film projections
Toshio Hosokawa – Voyage I (1996-97) world premiere
for violin and ensemble
Hans Zender – 4 Enso (Lo-Shu VII) (1996-97) | world premiere
for two instrumental groups