Award ceremony for Michel van der Aa
Sun. 28.04.2013 | 6:00 pm | ical |
Witten, Märkisches Museum
to Michel van der Aa
Michel van der Aa | memo (2003) | for violin and tape recorder
Hannah Weirich, violin (soloist of Ensemble musikFabrik)
Reception | Dr. Fritz Behrens, president of the Arts Foundation of North Rhine-Westphalia
Jury statement | Louwrens Langevoort, director of Kölner Philharmonie
Laudation | Dr. Stefan Drees
Award ceremony | Bernd Neuendorf, state secretary at Ministery for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sports of North Rhine-Westphalia
Michel van der Aa | wake (1997) | for percussion duo
Christian Dierstein and Richard Dubelski, percussion