Studio Musikfabrik | Tribute

Studio Musikfabrik on Tour in Bangkok, Witten and Cologne

Sat. 29.03.2025 n/n Bangkok, Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music ical
Wed. 02.04.2025 6:00 pm Witten, Saalbau ical
Fri. 04.04.2025 7:00 pm Köln, Kunststation St. Peter ical

György LigetiMelodien (1971)
for Orchestra

New Work (Call for Score) World Premiere

Dieter MackKhaen (2024) World Premiere
for Chromatic Solo Khaen and 14 Instruments

Mauricio KagelFinale mit Kammerensemble (1980)
for Ensemble

Patchaya Nantachai, Khaen
Studio Musikfabrik
Peter Veale, Conductor

A cooperative project between Studio Musikfabrik, Princess Galyani Vadhana
Institute of Music, Bangkok, and the Lübeck University of Music