Opening night of this years “Schönes Wochenende – Festival für modernes Hören! will be a concert event with remix and open improvisation. The norwegian remix-collective PUNKT with Jan Bang and Erik Honoré will record the live music played by soloists of the Ensemble Musikfabrik, and then further develop the music in a live-remix. The material will be split, compressed, stretched, layered, deformed and dissected, the things heard simultaneously re- and deconstructed.
Georg Friedrich Haas | I can’t breathe (2015) for solo trumpet
John Zorn | Merlin (2016) for solo trumpet
Johann Sebastian Bach | Suite Nr. 1 G-Dur, BWV 1007 (1720) for solo cello
Stefano Gervasoni | Strepito e Garbuglio (2015) for solo double bass
Florentin Ginot | Saul (2016) for solo double bass
Scott Fields | Drowning in Flame (2015) for solo guitar
Soloists of the Ensemble Musikfabrik:
Marco Blaauw, trumpet
Florentin Ginot, double bass
Dirk Wietheger, Cello
guest: Scott Fields, acoustic steel string guitar
Jan Bang und Erik Honoré, electronics and live-sampling
Sidsel Endresen, Vocals
Audun Kleive, electronics and percussion