Montagskonzert with world premieres by Daniel Figols Cuevas and Víctor Morató Ribera and the first performance by the Kölner-Chaos-Orchester
Mon. 26.05.2025 | 8:00 pm | Eintritt frei / Auftritt KCO 19:00 Uhr ical |
Vicente Atria – Ghosts (2023)
for double bell trumpet and percussion
Januibe Tejera – Éloge de la Folie (2018/25)
for tuba solo
Nina Šenk – …da kehrte die Ruhe ein… (2020)
for brass trio
Manuel Hidalgo Navas – Soliloquio … de un teatro fracasado (2020)
for horn in F
Daniel Figols Cuevas – Algol (2013/2025)
for horn, trumpet and tuba
Marcelo González – Emanaciones coloreadas (2023)
for 3 triangles, wood block and temple block
Víctor Morató Ribera – New Work (2025)
for horn, trumpet, tuba and percussion
Dirk Rothbrust, percussion
Christine Chapman, horn
Marco Blaauw, trumpet
Maxime Morel, tuba