Monday concert curated by Hannah Weirich with works by Federico Perotti, Francesco Filidei, Żaneta Rydzewska, Heiner Goebbels and others.
Mon. 09.01.2023 | 8:00 pm | Admission free ical |
Cologne, Studio of Ensemble Musikfabrik
Federico Perotti – Fantasia di un vento lontano (2022) world premiere
for flute, violin, piano and percussion
Francesco Filidei – Lied per violino (2020) German premiere
Commissioned by the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen and Ensemble Musikfabrik
Heiner Goebbels – Surrogate (2015)
for percussion and piano
Georges Aperghis – Requiem furtif (1998) for violin and claves
Lisa Streich – Falter (2020) for violin
Żaneta Rydzewska – Fanfare (2022) world premiere
for flute, violin, percussion and piano
Helen Bledsoe, flute
Benjamin Kobler, piano
Dirk Rothbrust, percussion
Hannah Weirich, violin and curator
We ask for registration for the concert by mail to
We recommend wearing an FFP2 mask at our events. Please refrain from visiting if you have any symptoms of illness.
The concert will also be streamed live on YouTube and Facebook.