"Floskeln und andere Redeblumen" curated by Christine Chapman
Mon. 04.06.2012 | 8:00 pm | ical |
Cologne, Studio des Ensemble Musikfabrik
Floskeln und andere Redeblumen
Georg Friedrich Haas | … aus freier Lust … verbunden … (1994–1996)
for trumpet, trombone and tuba
Giacinto Scelsi | 2. Satz aus: Tre pezzi (1957)
for trombone
Giacinto Scelsi | Maknongan (1976)
for prepared bass voice or bass instrument
Guillaume Dufay | Missa Se la face ay pale (ca.1450)
for trumpet, horn, trombone und tuba
Liza Lim | Wild winged-one (2007)
Aria for trumpet in C with wacky whistle
Olivier Messiaen | 6. Satz aus: Des Canyons aux étoiles (1971–74)
for horn solo
Christine Chapman | Horn
Marco Blaauw | Trumpet
Bruce Collings | Trombone
Melvyn Poore | Tuba
Curator of the concert is Christine Chapman.