Gezeichnete Wesen – Gezeichnete Klänge
Roman Haubenstock-Ramati | Multiple 6 (1965)for brass instruments and string instruments ad lib.
Martijn Padding | 23 sentences & autograph (2002)
for doublebell – trumpet solo
Rebecca Saunders | Neither (2011)
for two doublebell- trumpets
Agata Zubel | Wounded Angel (2012)
for doublebell- trumpet solo
Marco Blaauw | aus: “Songs from Rhiannon” (2012)
for five conch shells
Liza Lim | Wild winged-one (2007)
for cornett solo
Im Lichthof: Exhibition to the concert and
Live-Performance “Gezeichnete Klänge” by Florian Martens
Marco Blaauw | Doublebell- trumpet
Markus Schwind | Doublebell- trumpet
Christine Chapman | Conch shell
Melvyn Poore | Conch shell
Bruce Collings | Conch shell
Axel Porath | Viola
Dirk Rothbrust | Percussion
Florian Martens | Exhibition and
Curator of the concert is Marco Blaauw.