Two concerts with pieces by you composers
Sun. 06.09.2020 | 2:30 pm | Voix Nouvelles Academy ical |
Sun. 06.09.2020 | 5:00 pm | Voix Nouvelles Academy ical |
Royaumont, Abbaye Royaumont
Adrian Lausch – FUNDUS3: fetisch j (2020) world premiere
Didier Rotella – Anamorphose (2020) world premiere
Sergio Rodrigo – Tocar (2020) world premiere
Sofia Avramidou – Metallages (2020) world premiere
Kirsten Milenko – We Are Strangers (2020) world premiere
Elisabeth Angot – N27 (2020) world premiere
Michele Foresi – I Never Understood Wind (2020) world premiere
Claudia Jane Scroccaro – Overdrive (2020) world premiere
Alberto Carretero – Haikus de Machado (2020) world premiere
Manuel Hidalgo – Soliloquio (2020) world premiere
Francesco Filidei – Lied per violino (2020) world premiere – commissioned by Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen and Ensemble Musikfabrik
Samuel Taylor – See & Saw (2020) world premere
Ryoko Aoki, Nô performance
Eva Reiter, Viola da Gamba / Paetzold flute
Christine Chapman, horn
Hannah Weirich, violin
Ensemble Musikfabrik
Mariano Chiacchiarini, conductor