Concert with world premieres by Gordon Williamson, Dylan Lardelli and Juliet Palmer

Sun. 08.12.2024 6:00 pm ical

Hannover, Sprengel Museum

Pauline OliverosApproaches and Departures – Appearances and Disappearances (1995)
for trio

Cathy MillikenEspirar (2024)
for oboe solo

Gordon WilliamsonTrio für Oboe, Horn und Kontrabass (2024) world premiere
for oboe, horn and double bass

Dai Fujikurayurayura (2017)
for horn solo

Dylan LardelliTrio für Oboe, Horn und Kontrabass (2024) world premiere
for oboe, horn and double bass

Juliet PalmerTrio für Oboe, Horn und Kontrabass (2024) world premiere
for oboe, horn and double bass


Peter Veale, oboe
Christine Chapman, horn
Florentin Ginot, double bass