Akademie Musikfabrik: Composer Collider Werkstattkonzert

Pieces of the Polish composers Wojciech Błażejczyk, Szymon Stanislaw Strzelec and Kuba Krzewinski.

Mon. 05.02.2018 8:00 pm ical

Cologne, Studio des Ensemble Musikfabrik

Concert with new compositions für the Harry-Partch-instruments. Presentation of the collective work, developed during “Composer Collider”.

Wojciech Błażejczyk | String Theory (2017/18) World Premiere

Kuba Krzewinski | Inside (2017/18) World Premiere

Szymon Stanislaw Strzelec | Ludus Spectralis (2017/18) World Premiere

Ensemble Musikfabrik
Christian Eggen, Conductor

This program is supported by the Adam Mickiewicz Institut.

Admission free! Because of limited capacity please register in advance by email: musikfabrik@musikfabrik.eu