27 08 2021
Video interview with Turgut Erçetin about his work with Ensemble Musikfabrik
20 06 2018
Mit Stücken von Dieter Mack. Ein Interview mit dem Komponisten.
23 04 2018
Eine CD von Studio Musikfabrik: Tonmeister Hendrik Manook hat uns ein paar Fragen beantwortet.
07 03 2018
Wir produzieren eine CD gemeinsam mit den Musikerinnen und Musikern des Studio Musikfabrik. Dafür bitten wir um Ihre Mithilfe! Wofür genau?
24 12 2015
The best has yet to come? You’re absolutely right.
20 12 2015
Melvyn Poore is playing the tuba for Ensemble Musikfabrik and he chooses from heaven to hell as his most favorite CD of Edition Musikfabrik. Why this? Truly and simply because the works of Martin Smolka, Mauricio Kagel and Louis Andriessen are absolutely strong and rich in variety pieces of New Music.
13 12 2015
Dirk Wietheger, cellist of Ensemble Musikfabrik, chooses the brand new CD of Edition Musikfabrik Scherben as his most favorite record. The recordings of Kaija Saariaho’s “Notes on Light” took place in 2010.
09 09 2014
Marco Blaauw interviewed by Tobias Fischer. This interview was first published on tokafi – published with kind permission of the magazine.
03 12 2013
Marco Blaauw about his new CD
17 10 2012
Karlheinz Stockhausen: MICHAELs REISE UM DIE ERDE