September 18, 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of Mauricio Kagel’s death. We commemorate it with a concert at the Kölner Philharmonie.
When I think of Mauricio Kagel, I am very grateful that I was able to experience him in rehearsals and concerts with Musikfabrik and, yes, I still miss the concerts with him! Kagel loved music – even his own, in an almost childlike way. And I mean that very positively.
I will never forget two moments from performances of Stücke der Windrose under his baton: Kagel’s enthralled gaze at Carl in Osten during the clarinet’s beautiful swan song – captivated by Carl’s playing, but also proud and enthralled by his composition.
And another exciting moment in Westen, when Mauricio Kagel was so excited about the ragtime at the end that he simply began a few bars too early…
There is also a wonderful quote from a dress rehearsal: “We won’t repeat it, it can happen somewhere else today.”
Hannah Weirich, violin