Die erneute Begegnung des Studio Musikfabrik mit dem Youth Ensemble of Chicago Arts Initiative bei den 48. Internationalen Ferienkursen für Neue Musik in Darmstadt hat den jungen Musikern frische und spannende Eindrücke der Welt der Neuen Musik beschert.
Julia Borrelli vom Chicago Arts Initative fasst ihre Impressionen zusammen:
„Working with Studio Musikfabrik was an experience I will never forget. I had never traveled outside of the United States before, so to travel for a collaboration with SMF as my first trip abroad was probably the best situation for me. Through the universal language of music, SMF and CAI were able to communicate in a way that ignored the difference in out cultures. Furthermore, being able to room with some of the SMF performers gave me a chance to better understand the German culture of music, history, politics, education, and more. I walk away from this experience not only as a much better musician, but also as a much better person. Music, acting as „glue,“ in this case, linked myself and other musicians from across the world in many more ways than just having to communicate when to play on the correct beat.“
Einen Einblick in die gemeinsame Zeit der beiden Jugendensembles gibt außerdem der kurze Film: